For a long time I've been writing amateur poetry, spoken word and such (Read, very awful roses are red derivatives). However, I am very shy when it comes to reading these pieces out loud. The kind of shyness that comes from stripping your self bare and leaving a very personal piece of you exposed to strangers to be poked and prodded, kind of like going to the gynecologist..... However at the end of this week I will perform for the first time one of my pieces in front of a live audience. Besides the feeling that I might be strutting into a firing squad with KISS MY ASS emblazoned on my chest, I'm strangely okay with it. But before I do the firing squad let me present the piece to the blogosphere first and face your criticism, it might help me decide whether or not to go on stage and publicly embarass myself or just hide out in my cozy writng closet as I've always done..... Here goes...
The smoker
They say religion is opium for the masses and I smoke because it is a universal religion, where we the shunned subscribe to the credo of “Pass me the light” and hail the motto “Sharing is caring” where we the unconventional convene in our unholy convents of the smoking rooms of airports and roam the confines of smoking areas in public spaces to puff in solidarity knowing no judgement amongst each other, just as there is no honour amongst thieves, puffing away in this our religion that cannot viably distract the sinner from destruction.
Pass me the light
I smoke because I can and because that declaration makes you think of things to ask me like why I don’t jump off a bridge just because I can, and because my answer to that is that, if you compare and contrast the pleasure factor of crushed bones versus crushed tobacco, they cannot be held equal on any scale including that of lady justice.
Pass me the light
Hell, I smoke just because I think it looks sexy and because I am not willing to beg your pardon for my sincere sentiments that this sizzling ciggie sucked upon by my lipsticked lips shall not succumb to the sexism suggested by the societal standards about what a woman should or should not do, just a precedence was presented by the proactive women of 1929 as they puffed prettily down the paths of newyork torching for freedom, so shall I perpetuate their policies deemed as feminine perspective.
Pass me the light
And just as you presumptively prognosticate that I’m wounding my lungs I hereby verily declare that there are pros and cons to this wont you demonise and so I smoke because I chose instead to I heal my mind diagnosed with overload and prescribed the potion “Calm the fuck down”
Pass me the light
So Pass me the light even as you deem me a cretin, pass me the light even as you preach and chastise, pass me the light and let me ignite the doom you say, pass me the fucking light and let me smoke in peace for this essay is at an end.
Well in mami.Looking through a smoker's eyes. great post and yes read it aloud with some bass/drums accompaniment.
I like, and I'm very antismoking, so me liking this poem says a lot :) It's got a lovely rhythm and sound, so it's a good piece to perform. i didn't much like verse 3, rather passive agressive, but the rest of it is pure gold. you go girl !!
@Gish: Hehe, off to scour for said drums, thanks for the support hun, truly!! I guess I shall present it to the firing squad then ;-)
@CB: Coming from a seasoned writer like you that is the highest compliment, thankyou so much :-D Yeah I kinda felt the angst after doing verse 3, LOLL!!!
Its a great poem - almost makes me want to apologise for my own stance against smoking. Kudos, I think you have a winner
I like. Totally read it under my breath, with office guys wondering what i was muttering in a sing-song rhythm! Keep it up.
Where is the firing ground? I own a canon :-)
Hey Loco...
Make sure you light up a cigarette just before you finish the poem - call it lighting up the stage. You'll be surprised what special effects can do to your performance...
btw...hope you've been doing good.
Loved it!, read it slow and deliberate, light it up and be proud!
had this "Bite-me!" attitude that has potential for a kick ass performance!
ah and Darius's suggestion is a good one!!
Gud luck girl!
I feel you on the gynecologist part, but after a while it gets exciting, especially when people connect with you! stops being a rape of sorts and becomes an intercourse of sensual minds!!
oh and whatever happens, dont panic!!!
@Magaribina: Hey there, welcome to my digz :-) no apologies neccessary, LOL!
@Kafai: Haha, poor workmates, they must think you're crossing over to the dark side what with all that chanting, hehe, thanks :-D
@Mr Stone: Been great :-D Always lovely to see you here, thanks for the awesome suggestion, saving my lucky stick just for that perfomance :-D
@Eizzy: Haha, why do I have the feeling that I will panic!! Lets hope this goes as smooth as melding of minds *Crosses fingers*
@Mo: "Yes, I know all the dangers." Hear hear!! Honestly!! *Web five.... SMACK* Need a light, LOL!
I like! How did it go?
What is your audience? I like the poem but it might not sit right with some kind of audience because of the F word.
Holy shit.... You smoke? Haunaaaa LOL!
This was smoking!
Where are you Miss? You are missed!
So, how did the audience take it? Ebu pass me the light.
I had told myself to quit starting kesho, but maybe I'll delay until Monday.
Now youuuu...taking after me in ghost blogging?
in a smoky room, with an acoustic rhythm with drums in the background a crowd of poetry smokers are eagerly take a puff!
-love it-
This makes me want to smoke.
GREAT! Read it out loud.
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